
A website created in June 2011
This website was created for a photographer based in Texas. It features a lot of Javascript, for a very professional experience. The website focuses on his photos, and also includes a highly customized blog. There is also an administrative page that allows virtually anything on the site to be edited.
Other Notes
This website was built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, extended by jQuery. The website was launched in June 2011. The administrative page allows the client to do most updates himself, although I continue to make other changes if needed.

A website created in March 2011
HopeCBC.org is a website I made for my church. The most recent version features fluid interaction using Javascript, ensuring that nearly everyone can view the site. The website also contains an integrated database for the custom-made sermons page and calendar. There is also a mobile site that is activated when viewing the site from an iPhone.
Other Notes
The website was originally created using HTML, CSS and Flash in August 2006. In April 2008, I launched a redesign of the site that added PHP, MySql and Javascript. The most recent version was released in March 2011. I continue to update and maintain HopeCBC.org on a weekly basis.

A website created in August 2008
Grace to Youth is a ministry based in Texas. The website includes a Flash navigation menu based on the logo, an animated Flash banner, and a newsletter in blog format that allows comments.
Other Notes
I created this website August 2008, using HTML, CSS, PHP/MySql, Javascript and Flash. It also has a simple, custom-made content management system for updating the newsletters. I continue to update the site when I am sent new content to be added.

A game created in April 2008
This is a Flash game I created using a simple tile-based engine. It had it's flaws, but the experience of building the engine formed the basis for future projects of mine.
Other Notes
This was a collaborative project. I did all the programming, but the animation was done by Adam Pearce.

A game created in December 2007
This was my first completed Flash game. I did all the work myself and released it in December 2007 just in time for Christmas. The game didn't follow a specific engine, but evolved from simply experimenting with some code.

A website created in June 2007
Kester's Heating and Air is a local heating and air conditioning company. The website has a simple, professional look and features a simple Flash navigation menu and a contact/testimonials page.
Other Notes
This website was made with HTML, CSS and PHP in June 2007. I update it whenever a new testimonial is sent or information needs to be added or changed.